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Las Cossas Nostra - The Show


Las Cossas Nostra - The Show






Wannabe gangsters and Italian fashion victims Mia Mine and Mr Vita invite you to enter their bizarre and absurd they welcome you to 'la family'.


A world filled with hairspray, fake gold and snake skin, the show appeals to audiences of all ages, as this odd couple overcome disaster with small and satisfying triumphs.  Mixing physical comedy and clown with theatre and traditonal circus elements this dynamic duo, burrow through a hilarious show.


Hula hoops, balls, and humans are manipulated in ways that were never thought possible as they are twirled and tossed throughout high energy routines. The show culminates in true grand finale style with the never seen before, comic delight - Ź»The rubber ducky fountain!!Ź¼


Maintaining a direct and open contact with the audience and one another allows the performers to include improvisations and call on the audience in moments of need. Thus allowing for each show not only to be unique and surprising, but to be truly entertaining.


The show can be adapted to stage, corporate events and cabaret - from 5 to 40 minutes - depending on your needs.

Australia/Spain -- -- +34 628231894

comedy - circus - physical - street - theatre - cabaret

comedia - circo - teatro - físico - calle - cabaret

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